Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chair Massage Training

As promised I have some tips for those who would like to learn the art of chair massage. Skills in this area will not only make you a more verstile therapist but also help build your table business. Below I have broken down training into books, video media and actual classes. Please note, over the years I have bought books, videos, etc. and the following are in my opinion some of the best information in regards to chair massage. Let's get started.

Click HERE for the most useful book on chair massage.

For a video companion to the book click Here.

Now useful chair massage classes are few and far between in Chicago but there is a class coming to the city May 30, 2009. This class offers CEU's and will help you learn a "routine" to get you started. For more information click HERE.

I will be teaching a chair massage class with more advance techniques in mid June. In this class I will show supine, prone upper and lower body, Tui Na, Thai massage, trigger points and so much more. Stay tuned for that. But the above should get you started.