Saturday, April 25, 2009

Desk Stress

This is what I call the condition that many people may feel if they work at a computer for long hours. Symptoms are: tightness and/or pain in the shoulders, upper/mid back, neck, arms and hands. You may also experience tightness in the upper chest.

The above is what happens to the body when the body is forced to sit in one position all day long. The body is designed to move and we do the exact opposite in our daily work. If you do not have some activities to balance this out the body will create holding patterns. Essentially the body will only do what it is used to doing and very little else.
There are some proactive things you can do throughout the day to help yourself.

1) Take a few minutes if you can to stretch, move and shake your body. Reach up over your head like you're grabbing something from the top shelve. Hold that for a few seconds. Slow rotations of the neck and turning the neck from side to side is helpful to relax the neck.
Massage and stretch your hands and arms. Rotate your wrists to remind the body you still like to move around. And if you can, get away from your desk for a couple of minutes.

2) Exercise. Take a pilates, yoga or Tai Chi class. The movement is what we are going for here to stretch, move and also relax your muscles.

3) Take an eye break. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths.
4) Have lunch outside if weather permits.

5) Get a massage. If your place of employment offers chair massage take advantage. A good 15 minute chair massage every other week or once a month can do wonders for your body.